In 1716, the curate Michael Winnebacher wrote and illustrated a book of emblems on the symbols of Mary. Abstract topics were presented in an understandable way. The content has been clarified in the heading, image and epigram.
The book was written by hand and is based on the Latin model that Cardinal Sfondrati had drawn and which inspired Winnebacher’s book of emblems. Michael Winnebacher adds symbols to it and also inserts his own. In the 52 images he explains the appearance of the Immaculate Conception.
The symbols have the Immaculate Conception as their content and defend it. The images of nature are interpreted theologically and are intended to make the Immaculate Conception understandable.
Some examples are listed: astrologers cannot see defects or spots on the sun, which represents Mary (I), the ship Victoria, with which Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain to the Moluccas in Indonesia in 1520, is saved from shipwreck (II) , pomegranate (III), the pyramid that casts no shadow (IV)
The illustrated book was intended as a book of contemplation, for meditation.